Advanced Accelerator Association Promoting Science & Technology (AAA)









Advanced Accelerator Association Promoting Science & Technology (AAA)


The AAA Vision

Advancing in Science and Technologies
with the State-of-the-Art Electron-Positron Accelerator Development



It is an ultimate challenge for people all over the world to exploit the intellectual frontier of humanity to find answers to the questions of all time; mysteries on pristine and future state of the Universe, our existence, and matter and space which the Universe is made of. In the past we have tried to find answers to those questions by observing the Universe, exploring the space, and reproducing the initial state of the Universe by conducting various kinds of accelerator-based research activities. "Necessity is the mother of invention" as Pluto once said; necessity often leads us to surprising outcomes often occur in the process of trying to achieve a significant purpose/objective. Not so long ago those findings have brought us electronics and nuclear energy; development of new technologies has dramatically changed our world, especially in the fields of medical treatments, pharmaceutical drugs, life science and new materials. Such as radiation technologies, including researches on anti-matter, have greatly contributed to today's medical science. One of today's well-known technologies, WWW (World Wide Web), was originally conceived and developed to meet the demand for automatic information sharing between scientists all over the world to conduct accelerator-based collaborative research activities at European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). The latest development in the field of advanced accelerators is the International Linear Collider (ILC) project; ILC is a new type of accelerator stretching over 30km in length underground and is based on today's state-of-the-art advanced accelerator science and technology. We believe that the new intellectual and technological horizon will be broadened based on the superconducting proton accelerator technology of this project. The project is expected to develop into a new technology infrastructure of the 21st century by delivering breakthroughs in catalytic and vital reactions, research and development (R&D) activities for next-generation products (such as batteries, pharmaceutical drugs and new materials), and even partitioning and nuclear transformation technology of radioactive waste processing. Today advanced proton accelerator technologies are about to take a new turn.

 Japan has accomplished and contributed to important scientific and technological results in the past; yet, we have not recognized enough to truly call ourselves leaders in science and technology in the world. Moreover, Japan is facing serious problems among the younger generations; our children have shown the lack of interest in learning and challenging according to the latest results from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) project conducted by OECD. Today lots of Asian researchers and technicians from countries such as China and India are attracted by the U.S. and European nations for the opportunities to develop their careers. To make the 21st century truly the age of Japan and Asia, we must focus on developing a new form of research environment under the Government-Industry-Academia collaboration to sustain a brain gain but a brain drain here in Asia. The ILC will bring a great expectation to the future of Japan and Asia when not only younger generations but all the generations cultivate their academic curiosities and dreams once again to promote science and technology as a national strategy.

 The AAA has designated the ILC as its core project. The Association aims to exploit the intellectual horizon of humanity on various research fields (such as space, elementary particles, material and life science), takes on new global-level assignments (such as medical applications, energy and environment), and strengthens international competitiveness in today's advanced accelerator science and technology. Hence the goal of the Association is to establish a new form of system to gain strategic cooperation from the multilateral collaborations among industry, academia government, and people with relevant knowledge and experiences, to build international research collaborations especially among Asian countries, to gain understanding from the general public towards basic science and the latest accelerator technologies through various outreach programs, and to work on assignments on intellectual properties associated with the ILC.

 All the Promoters of the Association sincerely appreciate for your understanding and support towards our Vision and invite you to join the Association today.

February 2008

Members of the AAA Promoters